The Keesaman Family, consisting of: Ken, his wife Brenda, and their three sons, Kody, Kasey, and Kraig, own and operate KK Farms in Osborn, Missouri. KK Farms is a purebred livestock farm that sells breeding stock from over 300 head of registered Red Angus cattle. The Keesaman family also raise many crops including corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, and hay. We also raise swine.

KK Farms consists of almost 1080 acres of which 580 acres are owned by the Keesaman Family and 500 acres are leased. Of the 580 acres owned by the Keesaman family, 240 acres have been in the family since the 1880's earing the KK Farms the "Missour Century Farm" award. KK Farms has been in the Registered Red Angus business since 1972. A comprehensive history of the farm and family can be found here.

Ken and son Kody Keesaman manage and operate KK Farms Presently and sons Kacey and Kraig assist in the operations. Working together KK Farms has sold breeking stock to several states, including the majority of the Mid-West, and have exported stock to foreign countries including Mexico.

Ken has been very active with 4-H and FFA by serving as 4-H leader and assisting several judging contests. Ken has served many years on the DeKalb County, Missouri extension board, DeKalb County Fair Board and ABCD County Fair Board. He has also been active in several livestock boards in the state.